Date of Birth
Your child’s exact date of birth will affect your future offer. It is important that you inform us of your child’s date of birth if you submit a due date on your registration form. Children are placed in a year group according to their age and academic year. Please record your child’s DOB in the British Format, DD/MM/YYYY. To be eligible to attend the our nurseries, children must be 2 years old at the start of the term.
Allocation of Places
We offer a child a place based on the availability of spaces in the classrooms. A place is usually offered on the basis of the following order of priority:
*Marmalade Schools offers a sibling priority on the waitlist. However we still do require parents to register their younger children as early as possible. Whilst our registration policy will help siblings, it should be noted that we cannot offer places if the school is full. Please note that we also look at dates of birth and gender to balance our classes.
Requests for Changes to a Nursery Place
Any request for a change to the agreed start date (or deferment) must be a term in advance and confirmed by email by the Schools Office. We are not able to guarantee a place the following term and should you then wish to withdraw your child’s application to join the School your acceptance fee remains non-refundable.
Decreasing the number of Sessions
Should you wish to decrease to the number of sessions your child attends or is due to attend, we ask you to provide the Nursery with a term’s written notice which must then be confirmed by email by the Schools Office.
Cancelling a Confirmed Nursery Place (prior to starting)
Should you wish to cancel your child's place at Marmalade Schools, we ask for a term's notice by email which must then be confirmed by email by the Schools Office. Please note that if you have accepted a place at school and wish to withdraw your child prior to starting then notice must be given in time or the the fees for the term will become due. Notice must be received by the following dates for the notice to be applicable:
Notice for Termination of a Nursery Place after the Agreed Start Date
Should you wish to withdraw your child from Marmalade Schools, we ask for a term’s notice by email which must then be confirmed by email by the Schools Office. Please note that if you wish to withdraw your child then notice must be given in time or the the fees for the following term will become due. Notice must be received by the following dates for the notice to be applicable for the forthcoming term: